Complete transports on mobile app, get signatuers, mark up, or let dispatch know the patient was a no show.
View open transports and assign to driver's.
The site will calculate Time To Leave Office(TTLO), Pick up times, and will send a text message automatically when it's time to leave to go get patient. It will also sound an alarm and blink when the tranpsort needs to leave immediately!
How long is the transport taking and how long should it have taken will all be visible on your Dispatch screen.
Dispatch site will figure out mileage, time to travel and dispatcher can even look at a map to get familiar with the area.
Know exactly where your drivers are and where they are in completing their queue for transports.
Site will calculate for all transports the mileage, time it takes to go from office to patient location, and time it takes from patient location to his/her destination.